Electronic application for mandatory social insurance in CROSO for companies


Electronic service "One Counter System" – a "one-stop-shop" between the Business Registers Agency (APR) and the Central Register of Mandatory Social Insurance (CROSO) has been improved thus significantly facilitating starting a business.

Owing to this electronic system now you need one step less in order for a company to start operations.

If the founder of the Company is the registered representative in the Business Registers Agency, then the APR is using the M form to register this representative to the mandatory social insurance in CROSO.

Entrepreneurs had the opportunity to use this service, and now this is enabled to companies.

All companies registering incorporation in the APR owing to the one-counter system will receive benefits introduced in previous years, this shortening the procedure for initiation of operations.

Let us review what is delivered by the APR owing to the automated communication with other institutions: When the Business Registers Agency adopts 

1. Company incorporation decision

2. at the same time, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia assigns the registration number

3. and the Tax Administration assigns the tax identification number (PIB/TIN), since the REG form is submitted.

4. By submitting the uniform registration application for the incorporation of a company, since 2016, in the APR, you can also register for flat-rate, that is, personal income taxation for entrepreneurs and

5. VAT application, if so stipulated by the company upon incorporation

6. And now, through M form registration for mandatory social insurance is performed as well


We would like to remind you that the company must perform all activities related to opening bank accounts independently from the incorporation in the APR.

Comments (4)

Rami naip on 08.05.2020 22:02

Imam trajno resenje pa me zanima da li ja treba da obnovim papire


Admin sajta on 11.05.2020 15:04

@Rami Naip,
Ne razumemo šta podrazumevate kad pitate da li treba da obnovite papire ? Ako trajno rešenje podrazumeva da ste zaposleni na neodređeno vreme, nikakva obnova papira nije potrebna.

Ђорђе Ђорђевић on 23.02.2021 16:01

Dobar dan, otvorio sam preduzetničku radnju i dobio rešenje od APR-a, uz koje sam dobio rešenje o dodeljenom PIB-u. Zanima me da li treba da se prijavim na obavezno socijalno osiguranje? Unapred hvala.


Admin sajta on 03.03.2021 16:57

@Đorđe Đorđević
Zajedno sa rešenjem o osnivanju, koje donosi Agencija za privredne registre, dobija se istovremeno registarski/matični broj iz Republičkog zavoda za statistiku i poreski identifikacioni broj (PIB), koji dodelјuje Poreska uprava, a od 2016. godine se podnošenjem jedinstvene registracione prijave osnivanja privrednog subjekta u APR-u ujedno vrši prijava za PDV, kao i prijava na paušalno, odnosno oporezivanje na ličnu zaradu za preduzetnike.
Jedino što bi bilo poželjno da proverite podatke koje je APR uneo na CROSO portal prilikom osnivanja preduzetničke radnje, i ako nedostaju neki podaci da to dopunite ili podnesete zahtev PIO fondu za korekciju podataka ukoliko je to potrebno.

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