Special bookkeeping and accounting services

Special Bookkeeping and Accounting Services


In addition to standard ones our bookkeeping agency provides certain special bookkeeping services and reports more on which you can find on these pages. 


Keeping business books per business units, profit centers, cost locations, cost suppliers...


If your company is well developed, it includes several business units, or one profit unit with several sectors etc. it is usually difficult to observe reports on company level. In order to make right decisions on management level you need to have reports grouped per certain criteria. Read more on this subject on the page account management by analytics


Financial analysis of business


On the other hand, in order for your company to have a clear image on its operations, it is necessary to plan ahead groups of income and costs, and enter business changes in such a manner. Such structuring of income and costs results in reports that can be managed by the company management, in accordance with requirements. You can read more on this subject on the page Financial analysis of business. 


Business plan and Feasibility Study


There are a lot of business ideas, but, according to our experience only a few is feasible. The reason for it is an unstable economic environment today, and lack of planning of activities of the company. In order for the company to function in such environment, it must adjust to it, frequently. And in order to adjust, it should efficiently plan and manage its business activities. How to plan and is your business idea feasible on the market, read more under the subject Business Plan and Feasibility Study. 


Ratio analysis


Understanding relations of certain values in bookkeeping is a frequent method of evaluating business changes. This requirement to evaluate certain value compared to another value comes from the fact that observation of one data often does not say enough on the financial status and does not contribute to the decision making process. A much fuller image on the quality of a bookkeeping change is provided by the data on ratio of such change and some other value. Special subject Ration analysis answers these questions. 


Company and Asset valuation


Company and asset valuation is a subject where you can learn on valuation types, why are they important and how can you use them in your operations to make them an advantage for different business activities. 

Comments (5)

Vlada Caki on 09.08.2021 09:42

Baš me interesuje koje sve analitike postoje ?


SVM support on 09.08.2021 09:44

@Vlada Caki,
U tekstu je opisano koje sve analitike postoje.

Izabela Kirti on 02.11.2023 12:09


Radite li izradu završnog računa?

Ukoliko da, koj je cena

S poštovanjem Izabela


Admin sajta on 14.11.2023 10:55

@Izabela Kirti

Da vršimo uslugu izrade završnog računa. Za cenu molim vas da nas kontaktirate mailom ili telefonom. Kontakt podatke možete naći na sledećem linku:

Izabela Kirti on 02.11.2023 12:15


Radite li izradu završnog računa

ukoliko da, koliko košta

S poštovanjem
Izabela Kirti


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