Bookkeeping Services - Price List

Bookkeeping Services - Pricelist


Pricelist valid from 01 January 2024.

All prices are presented without the value added tax.


Bookkeeping Services - keeping business books


Flat rate entrepreneurs from   39 
Entrepreneurs not in the VAT system from   70 
Entrepreneurs in the VAT system from 100 
Companies not in the VAT system  from   80 
Companies in the VAT system from 110 
Companies in the VAT system - complex company (production, foreign trade, etc...) from 190 
Communication and accounting in English (% addition of agreed monthly fee) 40%
Preparation of extraordinary balances for loans (% of agreed monthly fee) 50%
Preparation of extraordinary annual financial statement (% of agreed monthly fee) 50% - 200%
Tax and financial consulting  85 € / hour
Other accounting services out of agreement and urgent services (Next Busuness Day deadline) as well as accounting counselling 35 € / hour

Incorporation and status changes


Incorporation - LLC 150 
Incorporation - LLC with foreign ownership 300 - 500 
Incorporation - Entrepreneur 100 
Status changes - LLC 50 
Status changes - Entrepreneur 50 
Change of legal form Entrepreneur to LLC 150 
Liquidation - LLC 200 
Liquidation - Entrepreneur 100 

Employment and personal income


Registration of employees, Pension and disability insurance, Health, Nat. Employment service 25  / hour
Deregistration of employees, Pension and disability insurance, Health, Nat. Employment service 25  / hour
Certification - Health insurance card
Preparation of employment contract or similar contracts 25 

Other Services


Courier service - additional engagement 25 
Provision of tax certification 25 
Solving unarranged tax cards from previous years, according to card insight and time estimated 25 € / hour
Correction of accounts after the initial status taken per request in accordance with current legislation 25 € / hour
Opening or closing current accounts in banks 25 
Provision of bank certificates or similar 25 
Archiving of documentation after Year-End reporting 2.5 €/ folder-monthly


If you require detailed offer for bookkeeping services please visit us at our address, call us at 011/428-1618 or fill this questionnaire.

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