Business Software

Business Software and ERP Solutions


Integrated Business Software


In modern business the information that has quality - timeliness and accuracy, is the base of the success. Quality information is provided only by integrated business information system ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), connecting individual business areas into one whole. 


ERP concept of development of information systems of organizations includes development with full integrity of software applications, that is, one storage as a mutual resource shared by all applications. ERP solution secures registration of all business transactions in real time (so called, Online Transaction Processing), continuous reduction of business process duration and its continuous improvement by re-engineering. Especially significant properties of the ERP solution are: flexibility, modularity, openness, multi-user access, user friendly, efficiency and effectiveness, consistency and integrity of data. 


Business Software


SVM offers solutions of renowned foreign software developers as well as inhouse ERP system Syntegra.



What do you get by implementing the ERP solution:


Integrity and standardization:
- Registration of each relevant event in the ERP solution at one, and just one, place (information becomes available to all business sectors).
- Management of: costs, profit, risk and business performance
- Warehouse management
- Quality reporting 
- Reduced duration of all activities
- Integration of business processes and systems
- Simplification of integration of business processes into a technological infrastructure
- Support for new business strategies
- Standardization of business processes in the organization


IT system maintenance cost reduction
- Scalability and customization of our solution means faster response to changes in business environment and lower costs related to system upgrade (software)   

- Elevated level of services provided to system users. The system may be customized to specific requirements of the company, all the way to individual user that may manage its work environment and reach increased productivity in such a manner. All functionalities are available online, where it can be used by employees, users, sales representatives and partners  

- The reports are designed in such a manner that a large number of reports may be accessed from one general report which practically means an unlimited number of reports in the system. 

- Easier and cheaper maintenance of integrated systems.

- Cessation of doubling jobs in system maintenance


Facilitation of management operation through the following options:
- Precise pricing of products/services.
- Real time on-line tracking of goods
- Supplier reliability tracking (Exceeding expectations of the buyer).
- Precise cost analysis.
- Client monitoring on all levels through easy accessible reports.
- Monitoring and analysis of plan realization for analysis, forecast and planning.



- Complete financial review of company operations.
- Compliance with IAS (International Accounting Standards).
- Unified system of managing and monitoring financial and accounting functions.
- Profitability of all sectors and projects shall be analyzed based on accurate and updated data.


Efficiency increase 

- Data entry time reduction and smaller volume of entries requires lower resources for operations thus opening space for directing resources that may be invested into company innovations and growth.
- Possibilities of introducing modern technologies in business such as B2B, B2C, using card collection systems etc.
- Services such as SMS sending and Internet WAP services access.

Comments (4)

Veselinka Dovat on 22.06.2022 17:32

Zainteresovana sam za vas program u vezi knjizenja. Imam knjigovodstvenu agenciju. Stoga bih da uzmem probnu verziju.
Ako se uspesno snadjem u radu nastavila bih saradnju.
Nadam se brzom odgovoru.
Veselinka Dovat


Admin sajta on 11.07.2022 06:25


Molimo vas da se direktno obratite na sledeće brojeve telefona:

Vladislav: 064/647-6101 ili Saša: 064/647-6102

DRAGANA ĐAKOVIĆ] on 06.09.2022 19:09

Poštovani da li možete da mi preporučite programera koji bi nam pomogao oko pretvaranja faktura u HML format
Naš programer kaže da ne može da pretvori zbog slova š,đ,č kako je ova slova prvobitno postavio
Unapred mnogo hvala
osoba za kontakt Dragana Đaković


Admin sajta on 08.09.2022 13:56

@Dragana Đakovic

Molim vas da kontaktirate: Vladislav Čale 064 647 6101

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