The National Museum in Belgrade hosted a conference named "Towards Administration Without Surplus Paperwork" on 01 October 2018. The conference was about electronic business operations and its significance and the significance of e-administration. A regulatory framework was presented for the development of these modern systems, as well as the coming into effect of the Law on Companies prescribing the cancellation of the use of company seals.
There is no single regulation that may impose the obligation of using the seal in economy. This is the novelty of the new Law on Companies. Be careful, this is only for businesses. It is not applied in other spheres, where the seal is still mandatory. To make it all legal and to apply the removal of the seal from use, 10 laws and 107 bylaws had to be cancelled that mention, in any way, the mandatory use of seal, application of seal, that something is certified with seal, etc. This means that companies or businesses that were founded after 01 October 2018 have no obligation to produce their seals, and the companies that have them may fully remove them from use soon.
What is interesting is that the businessmen will have the option, as of 01 October 2018, to report all the institutions that request seals on any documents. They can do this by sending e-mail to As of 01 November 2018, a call center will be established even, for the purpose of providing assistance to citizens, officers and economy regarding the use of electronic data exchange and new electronic services. This center will be initiated by the Government's office for IT and e-administration together with NALED.
This does not mean that you may not have a seal. You can have a seal and use it. The law merely provides an option not to use it, and not to insist on it. And if you insist, you could be reported to the address above.
There is a modification of this idea: According to our information, you can make a statement in certain business banks, whether you wish to seal the documents required for the cooperation with the bank, or not. Still, the Banks, for a good reason, to prevent misuse, especially in handling money, wish to insist on the use of seal for the purpose of safety of transaction (primarily in money withdrawal). The essence is that they cannot condition the use of seal if you do not wish to do it.
Be that as it may, it is clear that the legislator wishes to improve the position of the Republic of Serbia on the doing business rank kept by the World Bank. Besides, the idea is also to enable companies to make a transition to electronic business. Use of electronic documents and signatures will significantly facilitate the exchange of data and archiving documents and speed up the administrative matters.
Summary: Workers from Niš, from the popular hit from 2013, have no seal. Well, they don't need it anymore :) !
Dejan Ilić on 23.08.2020 20:44
Poslao SBB-u (po njihovom uputstvu) mailom skeniran i potpisan zahtev za raskid ugovora.Traže da bude overen pečatom.Ja im pošaljem čl.Zakona u kome piše da se to ne može tražiti .Ćute 20 dana pa onda zatraže da im pošaljem OP obrazac da vide da li je to moj potpis.Naravno kada sam potpisivao ugovor to nije bilo potrebno.Ja nemam ni OP obrazac jer banke to više ne traže.Šta je sad lakše da pravim pečat ili da idem kod notara da overavam OP.
ReplayDok se ne uvede novčana kazna maltretiraće nas ko hoće.
Admin sajta on 07.09.2020 16:06
@Dejan Ilić,
Lakše je da napravite pečat.
Ako želite, možete da prijavite zloupotrebu zahtevanja pečata, postoji za to predviđen broj telefona na sajtu Ministarstva privrede.
Marko on 16.09.2020 22:54
Skoro se registrivao kao Preduzetnik. Knjigovodja odmah kaze - izradi pecat, kod notara overi potpis...
ReplayAman u kom veku zivimo?
Admin sajta on 17.09.2020 11:34
Upotreba pečata nije obavezna od 2015. godine. Šta više, postoji i mejl na koji možete da prijavite instituciju koja vam zahteva da pečatirate neki dokument. To možete učiniti putem elektronske pošte
Overeni potpisi mogu tražiti samo neke institucije (npr. banke) i to zavisi od njihovih internih procedura.