Flat-rate taxpayers, attention! Deadline for January obligations payment is about to expire!


Deadline for payment of monthly obligations for taxes and contributions for mandatory social insurance for January 2020 shall expire on 18 February 2020 for entrepreneurs-flat rate taxpayers.


Entrepreneurs-flat rate taxpayers may find their decisions on determined tax obligations in their mailboxes when they register on the ePorezi portal of the Tax Administration. In order to access the portal of the Tax Administration an entrepreneur must hold an electronic certificate, which are awarded by the certification body. 


Currently, there are 5 certification bodies in the Republic of Serbia, namely the Ministry of Interior, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, PC PTT, Halcom and E-Smart Systems. In case the entrepreneur wishes to allow access to own mailbox to another person (for example, bookkeeper or tax advisor, cousin, friend), then such other person must be authorized for such access. This is done by submitting PEP form at the registration office of the tax administration competent for the municipality of the seat of the entrepreneur-flat rate taxpayer, and it can also be done electronically, by accessing ePorezi portal in a simple procedure in just a few clicks. 


This is why we must especially remind all flat rate taxpayers to download their tax decisions so they could meet their legal obligations in time. 


In case of any doubts, entrepreneurs may call the Tax Administration Contact Center at  0700 700 007 and 011 3310111.


You can search for more details at the website of the Tax Administration www.purs.gov.rs and on social networks of the Tax Administration (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook). You can get direct information on the system of flat-rate taxation at the unique tax point "Vaš poreznik" in 37 offices of the Tax Administration on the territory of Serbia.

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