When you start your business, soon you will realize that the bookkeeping agency is one of your key allies on the road to successful business management. Managing business documentation is a task you can handle on your own only in case your operations volume is still very low. In such a case, there is no need for a cost of hiring a bookkeeper. But in any other case it is much smarter to leave this part of work to the bookkeeping agency. Primarily, employees of the bookkeeping agency follow the latest regulations and amendments, thus reducing a possibility of an error to a minimum.
The largest number of companies is somewhere between not needing a man that will be responsible only for bookkeeping and having their own department or employee for bookkeeping and accounting. So, small and medium companies rather choose hiring an agency.
When you do the math, you can see that the bookkeeping agency will do this task for less money than you would spend for hiring employees in this sector. In addition to savings in financial sense, bookkeeping agency enables saving time. Time you would lose for this type of work, which is your legal obligation, can be used more effectively if you dedicate it to some other aspect of business. A lot of more serious agencies offer clients waiting in lines in many state institutions, so that you have no obligations related to this, except for cooperating with the agency as required.
Number of bookkeeping agencies in Serbia is not small. During the selection you need to check who you are dealing with, since this act is a very important business step. You must check two facts. First, how long does this agency operate. Since the competition is large, the agency that works for a long time is surely reliable. On the contrary, due to its errors it would lose clients and terminate. Second, feel free to ask for a reference list from the agency. It is a list of companies they work with. From the seriousness of the clients you can see the seriousness of the agency they hired. Finally, why not contact some of them and ask how satisfied they are with cooperation.
At the beginning of the cooperation agree on whether you deliver the documentation to the agency, or the agency will send someone to you. A modern agency should own a software with which it can "remotely" collect data on your business, which not only saves time, but reduces errors. Trustworthy agency will be available to you when you need it and as long as you need it.
Serious bookkeeping agencies provide services to their clients that exceed what we call bookkeeping. Today it is not rare that a bookkeeping agency develops a business plan or provides tax or financial consulting, which is of great importance for the success of client's business. Also, many of the bureaucracy tasks, such as employee applications, calculation of wages and similar, may be included in the package of services offered by the bookkeeping agency.