Keeping Books of Received and Issued Invoices


BRI - Book of Received Invoices and BII - book of issued invoices are integral elements of VAT calculation. Proper keeping of these books may significantly reduce your labor in VAT calculation, and bookkeeping agencies may reduce inspection time, if these books can provide uniform and easy comparison of calculated and deducted VAT.  


SVM United Business Solutions has a lot of experience in this area and as a bookkeeping agency is able to provide professional and accurate service - usually in one of our service packages. 


Bookkeeping agency must keep records of all transactions related to business changes impacting the VAT amount to be calculated or refunded. This includes the following activities: 


  • Record of each turnover of goods and services for which suppliers calculate VAT
  • VAT charged by sellers
  • Import fee
  • Import VAT
  • All goods exported by your company
  • Services your company provided abroad
  • All gifts or loans
  • All goods used for personal and non-business purposes
  • Costs for services provided if provided without compensation
  • All subsequent corrections of tax base and tax


It is necessary to keep records on each transaction that is included in your operations, including all tax exemptions. The Law on Value Added Tax does not specify form of keeping VAT, but regulates records that must be kept. Based on proper VAT records, through our bookkeeping services, the form of tax return is created automatically. Thus, if our company becomes your bookkeeping agency, keeping books and records through the books of received and issued invoices shall be more cost effective, it will save our time and reduce your costs. 


Keeping Books of Received and Issued Invoices - price of the service


The price of the bookkeeping service of keeping books of received and issued invoices provided by our agency depends on several factors. The price depends on the number of invoices, number of cash registries, etc. Also the price may be impacted whether the company is involved in foreign trade, the number of retail facilities, etc. Naturally, the price of the service also depends on whether the potential company is a user of our services from the united business solutions package, in which case special arrangement is made depending on services selected. 

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