Standard Bookkeeping Services > Fixed Assets Tracking


If you still have issues with fixed assets tracking, if you are one of those companies that has a lot of movable assets and cannot set maintenance periods, you are not able to conduct proper inventory, you are at the right place. SVM - United Business Solutions in tracking business books with fixed assets as a bookkeeping agency with years of experience.


Some of the frequent questions asked:


  1. How do I track movement of expensive tools that are located on several construction sites ?
  2. A few employees drive the same trucks. I cannot determine consumption per truck?
  3. How do I record all additional investments in my car fleet so far ?
  4. I am selling the car that was with us for 5 years. Do I get some capital gain and do I pay any taxes ?
  5. We have too many small fixed assets, it is impossible to perform quality inventory. Can you help me ?
  6. What is "tax depreciation" for ?
  7. What is the depreciation for land I bought 3 years ago ?


Using different information technologies, as well as own experience, SVM as the bookkeeping agency offers responses to such questions, using business IT systems enabling fast and quality performance. 


These bookkeeping services include:


  • Fixed assets procurement record
  • Calculation of accounting and tax depreciation of fixed assets
  • Calculation of additional investments into fixed assets
  • Disposal of fixed assets
  • Record of change history and fixed assets cards
  • Changes entry in the General Ledger and additional analytical records


The following optional services are possible as well:


  • Fixed assets inventory process automation based on special hardware
  • Inventory organization


Fixed Assets Tracking - price of the service


Price for bookkeeping services of fixed assets tracking provided by our bookkeeping agency depends on several factors. The price depends on whether the company is in the VAT system or not, and the number of received and issued invoices for fixed assets, their number, are the fixed assets insured, are there any additional investments in fixed assets, the number of fixed assets. Also, the price may be under the influence of whether the company is involved in foreign trade, that is, is there an import of fixed assets. Naturally, the price of the service depends on whether the potential company is the user of other services from our united business solutions package, in which case special arrangement is made based on services selected. 

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